Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Appreciating Others

I read 2 quotes today that touched me:

“Pierre's insanity consisted in the fact that he did not wait, as before, for personal reasons, which he called people's merits, in order to love them, but love overflowed his heart, and loving people without reason, he discovered the unquestionable reasons for which it was worth loving them.”
― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t." – Bill Nye, the Science Guy.

If I were only that insane.  If only I could remember that.

Instead, I'm a very critical, impatient, judgmental person.  I have a strong ego.  I find fault.

And, yet, I know that what Bill Nye said is true because I've seen it, over and over.

But, how to love someone who wants to control you, wants to prevent you from what you want?  How to love someone who wants to cheat you?  How to love someone who wants to hurt you?  How to love someone who's world view is nearly opposite yours?

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