Friday, March 28, 2014


This morning, I set myself a simple exercise:  while sitting to simply notice whatever arises within; no other intention, just to see what's there.  My mind has been dominating; I need to be more quiet and just see.

This morning, it's very clear how much I have to be grateful for:

 -- I have a strong, healthy body that has it's own wisdom and has been a friend, all these years.

 -- I have a strong mind that, while often running wild, is capable of learning and understanding an enormous variety of things.

 -- I have a strong emotional center that, while also often running astray, is capable of deep love and compassion.

 -- I have had the fortune of a variety of accidents of fate which have put me in front of people who know and understanding things that have shaped my thinking, my feelings and my life and have moved me toward a path.

While I am a lazy student and practitioner and more often absent to my life and myself than present...

This morning I am grateful for all that has been given and received.


I have forgotten more than remembered the exercise given in the reading group. The resistance that arises is subtle but powerful.  I have been unable to try more than a few minutes each time I've remembered.  How can I try?  I push too hard, in the wrong way, with the wrong part.